Zenora is into two types;

Here, participants earn via matrix upgrade, from Matrix 1 to matrix 8, you can earn over 128,000 thousand naira , within 7 days!!

Zenora.me is strictly for invest, And NO REFERRAL IS NEEDED, You invest and earn 40% your money in 7 days,
What is Zenora?
Zenora is a Decentralized networking platform modeled after the blockchain-based smart contracts that connects people from all over the world and opens the limitless possibilities of the new economic financial system.
Think about a platform that keeps paying without the possibility of it ever crashing... That is Zenora!
There are 6 matrix stages on Zenora. Every member starts from M1 and keep upgrading till they reach M6.
Matrix 1: Members will join with a fee of N1,000 and receive N2,000 in 24 hours. Members are required to bring 2 other partners to the platform in order to be able to cashout. This is required only on Matrix 1.

Matrix 2: Members will join with a fee of N2,000 and receive N4,000 in 24 hours.
Matrix 3: Members will join with a fee of N4,000 and receive N8,000 in 24 hours
Matrix 4: Members will join with a fee of N8,000 and receive N16,000 in 24 hours.
Matrix 5: Members will join with a fee of N16,000 and receive N32,000 in 24 hours.
Matrix 6: Members will join with a fee of N32,000 and receive N64,000 in 24 hours.
After completing the last level, members can choose to start from Matrix 1 again and repeat the cycle.

Is Zenora sustainable?
Zenora is a decentralized platform. No money is stored anywhere. Participants pay directly to each other through the peer network. There is no possibility for anybody running away with the money. And each member only gets what was paid to them by their partner.
This makes the platform technically uncrashable.
How to register?
and click on Join Now or Register. Enter the required details and click on Register
How to Join a Matrix?
Simply login and click on Join.
What is Pending Join Request?
Whenever you want to join a matrix, and there is nobody to merge you with (that is, there is no pending cashout to merge you with), the fee you will pay to join will be recorded in your pending join request till someone cashouts.
You paid the joining fee, what else?
After paying the person you are merged to pay, you have to click on I've Paid. Once you've done that, the person you paid to has to Approve your payment also, before it will finally be approved in our system.
You have paid, but the person has not yet approved your payment?
It might just be that the person hasn't received your payment, maybe due to network issue. There is no reason to fret. Just make sure you have clicked on I've Paid, and keep getting in touch with the person till he/she finally approves the payment.
You have paid, but the person failed to approve your payment?
If you have made the payment, but the person claimed you haven't paid, simply click on I've Paid. Once you've done this, you should just wait for further instructions from us. There is no reason to fret at all.
You have paid, but your payment was rejected?
This means the person claimed you did not pay, and the 72 hours deadline has elapsed. Simply contact us via verify@zenora.me

What is Zenora Investment?
The Zenora Investment is a multi-faceted trading program that rewards zenora members with up to 30% return on their investment in 15 days. We invest in different income earning opportunities such as FOREX, BETTING, CRYPTO and BINARY OPTIONS to generate maximum return for our members.
Is Zenora Investment Safe?
Zenora is a risk free investment, guaranteed by the peer network. Our investment is also pretty diversified. That is, we do not have all eggs in one basket. As a result, Zenora members are fully assured when it comes to risk.
You can't find where to Invest on your Dashboard?
Only members on Matrix 2 upwards can Invest. If the investment option is not on your dashboard, simply upgrade to higher matrix level.
How long does Investment take?
Investment on Zenora runs for 15 days, and members get 30% return.
Do you need to invite partners to withdraw your Zenora Investment Money?
Apart from the matrix conditions which apply to all members, you DO NOT need to invite anybody to be able to Cashout your investment money